View Full Version : Drood

05-24-2005, 06:03 PM
I have just read Drood for the third time. There are afew points which really stand out - <br><br>Jasper clearly tries to drug Drood and Neville with wine - both fee unusually confused. I feel the point is that he is intending to drug Neville and make him kill Drood without remembering it. This is a variation on the plot of the Moonstone - an action performed under the influence of opium.<br><br>There can be no doubt that Jasper intends to destroy Drood's body with lime - he goes through tyhe whole thing of also drugging Durdles (who sleeps for hours) possibly to copy his keys or such a thing- so the drugging idea is very definite.<br><br>I feel Datcherycan only be Bazzard - the reference to dark eyebrows but white hair seems to suggest the black haired Bazzard.<br><br>I suspect Rosa marries Tartar andCrisparkle marries Helena.<br>