View Full Version : A complete surprise!

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I decided to read this book for nostalgia. Having never enjoyed the film adaptations like Hook, I doubted that I would actually like it. But it was so highly acclaimed by everyone here, so why not? To my utter surprise, when I finished the book I grew to like it a lot maybe I will even love it later. But there were so much dept in the characters right down to how their clothing and walking stance developed their personalities. I thought Peter would not be so attached to the other kids but the twist near the end, I promise I will not blab the ending, was so clever. It was more graphic and savagely than I expected, the lost boys kind of reminded me of Lord of the Flies sans the wickedness. The book even made Hook human and noble at times, you loved him despite his appetite for vengeance. And Peter was so unashamedly cocky that it was intrinsic to his charm and youthful vitality. All the characters were perfect in their faults and strengths. The kids were kids and the pirates were scary! But did anyone else get confused in the beginning like I did when I had mistaken Nana for a real nanny and not a dog? Hahaha, I know silly me. However, the whole book was a bittersweet sentiment to children's naive imagination.