View Full Version : Dimmesdale

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
In my opinion the book just proved that women are definately the stronger sex. Dimmesdale is the weakest, most pathetic male I've ever heard of, to let his 'love' suffer alone is so disgusting. Then he thinks he has the right to complain about HIS suffering. This book isn't about love, it's about morals. It wasn't written for the intention of showing that you should marry someone you love, but it was written to show that hidden lies only grow and fester inside of you. I'm glad Hawthorne wrote such a wonderful parable for sin. I don't like it that some the comments seem surprised that this wasn't a happy book. The characters were supposed to seem hopeless, cruel, or unhappy. Hawthorne let's us know at the beginning at the book, when he let's us have the rose by the prison door, that this will be a dark book written on harsh cruel reality. This isn't a fairy tale. It was well written and the 'junk' as some call it is symbolism that can keep the mysteries in the book overflowing for centuries to come.