View Full Version : good but not great

01-21-2005, 04:53 PM
I agree, because I thought this was a really easy book , so I didn't get much into it. I like Fantasy books better anyways

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I enjoyed Treasure Island it was a good book, but only to the minds of children. Treasure Island is a book about adventure and exploration which I found interesting however if you want to read a true piece of excellent writing then read The Lord of the Flies by William Golding. It was based on Treasure Iland and contains many similarities, but William Golding takes his Ideas much further, it is a much more complex novel about a group of school children who land on an Island and are Isolated from the rest of the world. Golding explores the human condition and the evil nature within mankind. The book is full of symbolism like the conch which is used to call the children to meet (just like in treasure island when a whistle is used to call the pirates) but the conch is a symbol of democracy and order on the Island. If you liked reading Treasure Island you will love Lord of the Flies.