View Full Version : love vs explosiones

A guy
05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I read this book only because i had to and i of course found it boring beyond all comperhencion. And this is because there was no action no fights no slandering of somthing but most importantly there was no explosiones. And because i am a guy of course i found it boring if perhapes i was a woman i would have like the book because the hole thing is about love. But what is better love (the theme) or hard core action? We will never know because usually these two ideas are always intertwined for exsample James Bond always has to fight his way through henchmen to get to the girl while at the same time a tank is fireing shells at him. While in the Titanic the love between the two people was challanged by there class and not some supervillian. However the ship did sink and there were a few explosiones so there you are Yin and Yang one cannot exist without the other. I will of cours keep an "OPEN MIND" for any sugetiones or input someone else like to contribute.