View Full Version : G. Bernard Shaw and the Idea of Marriage - SOURCE NEEDED!

10-26-2011, 12:17 PM
Hi everyone,
I am writing a paper on Shaw and his Idea of Marriage - mostly presented in " Man and Superman" and have to find at least seven sources for it. I would like to know if there are realted essays that he himself wrote or that anybody else did - even contemporary authors - on the matter.

Thanks a lot in advance!

10-26-2011, 02:09 PM
Shaw always published appendixes explaining his plays. This one is written in character.


It might also be worthwhile to read contemporary socialist critiques of marriage, since Shaw was a socialist. Engels' work On the Origin of Marriage and the Family is probably the most influential.

(Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra might help you as well, to understand what Shaw is saying about the "superman." Also, some contemporary Social Darwinist writing, but I can't think of any specifically useful ones off the top of my head).

I'm sure contemporary criticism shouldn't be too hard to find through a database.

mona amon
10-27-2011, 01:17 AM
Hi Aydmen!

Bernard Shaw has written a whole lot on this topic. I suggest you get a volume of his collected prefaces and look up 'marriage' in the index.

BTW, he's written a play called Getting Married, with a long preface containing his views on the topic. It's a very interesting play - starts off as a Shavian discourse on the subject of marriage and then chages character abruptly with the astonishing entry of Mrs George.

You can find it here http://www.online-literature.com/george_bernard_shaw/getting-married/