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07-30-2011, 01:08 AM
Mr. Success and Mr. Failure::smilewinkgrin:

Dear friends, I hope u all r fine. This is my first short story in this forum, as far as grammatical mistakes and English standard is concerned, I have tried to give my best in it. Besides that if you come across any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, I am sorry for causing u inconvenience while reading.

And after that my new story begins
It was a cool evening in the world; failure was keenly doing his job by flowing through cricket stadiums, football, tennis stadium, education institution, training centers etc. It was a hectic day to him and finally he landed in heaven completing his jobs, he was proceeding to his house and suddenly he received an msg (a mental note) from success, calling him to his magnificent house in snowy mountains of heaven, to a little tea party with his friends...

Failure loved this type of tea party, he sprang up and flied to the snowy mountains. He landed in front of the house, the door was opened by Mr. Success who was looking tall and more handsome than the last time failure saw him and standing in front of the door greeting him.
Finally fa(failure), you made it we thought u won’t be coming. Said success
Oh no no I love these types of parties, so who else is here: asked failure
Everyone of our division competitive pain, perseverance, hard work, experience and all: said success

Hi every one good day: greeted failure
Hi fa: said all others in a chorus
Failure sat in a long wooden armchair near the fire place .Success came and sat near him
So how was the day? Asked success
Terrible just caused a lot of disappointment to a lot of people, with the world becoming too much competitive it’s a lot difficult to work, everyone requires me everywhere for many reasons. Said failure
I think u must consider retirement and let a lot more young people to choose Ur seat next said success consolingly
Well yeah I think the time is nearing to take a retirement said failure
Just then perseverance(female personal) came and sat near failure
You look quiet charming today Persy (perseverance’s nick name) failure greeted perseverance
Oh thank you: said perseverance blushing

What r u guys talking about: she asked
We were talking about the complications of our works Persy: said success
Oh yeah even I have lot problems in my work: said Persy
Everyone in this room has a lot of problems with work dear let’s talk about something else the whole work mania makes me feel tired: said failure
Hmm but I think few of my problems are because of you dear fa said persy
Because of me?!!! Asked failure:crazy:
Yes I think few problems of mine are because of (no offence) ur temporary defeat concept, it provides a lot of headache to my job, I cant keep people working consistently, they give up as soon as u shows up two or three times: said perseverance accusingly:rant:
My dear persy all I do is to get them far up in their work, mental strength and evolution and if u haven’t noticed god is every happy with my work and even success aren’t u success: asked failure proudly
Ya sure: said success
Ya but still it brings a few problems to us: said persy
Who doesn’t have problems dear the more best the idea, the more complicated it is to achieve: said failure slightly starting to boast, success feared it was not right signal
If you have noticed persy it was my temporary defeat that made a great leap in human civilization the birth of direct current through Edison: said failure again

But that doesn’t make, that u and ur temporary defeat are the only thing that gives people success, in fact after u faced him(Edison) it was my work (perseverance)that lead him to success said persy
But significant contribution was mine; u can’t deny it: said failure being ready for an argument
Guys guys I know where this is taking us, hey come on we are here to enjoy the party and meet friends and not to debate on whose bigger: said success
What’s goin on said other friends coming near these three
Well failure here thinks that he and his temporary defeat contribute a lot than us said persy rather angrily:redface:
What?!!! Exclaimed competitive pain
No it’s me who contribute significantly to success: said hardwork
Hey then what about us: said patience and experience unitedly
Let us make success decides this: said persy
Success was blank hey come on guys everyone in this room contributes a lot to my work said success
But who contribute significantly: shouted pain:mad2:
Soon they all started to argue vigorously success never saw this coming .success soon sent an an mental note to destiny asking him to solve this small pride problem
Soon success received a reply from destiny; he smiled and went forward to solve the problem
Guy’s guy’s ok fine u all want me to answer who contributes significantly to my work right: he said
Yes :said all in a chorus
Ok now you all believe that without anyone of you I can’t carry out my work right? Asked
Yes :said all others
Okay now I will tell who contributes largely but before that I would like to say something so do I have Ur entire attention friends: asked success
Yes: said all with little impatience
Ok now lets take Edison and consider, he faced 1000 temporary defeats right, then with perseverance and hardwork he went forward in his experiments right, and then with patience, pain and large amount of experience he conquered me , now if u all see, everybody of you contributed equally, ya but I know u wont be satisfied, yes there is one guy who contributed a large amount to my work, when he goes to people he entirely makes it easy on dear humans to achieve u all and come to me, do you who it is ?said success
At this time there was entire silence in that round beautifully enchanted wooden hall. Everyone was eager to know who it was. Suddenly
SOMEONE started knocking the door and everyone turned to the door .success smiled
Persy could u please do us all a favor by opening the door: said success
Sure sure but could you tell us who it is first: she said rising from the chair to door
Dear first please open the door it would be rude to let the guest stay in this snowfall.
She opened the door AND there stood an handsome men smiling widely, on seeing him everyone opened their mouth because they got their answer on seeing him, because he was BELIEF
Welcome belief why so late dear: asked persy
Oh I was stuck with a work and suddenly I remembered about the party so I came dashing in, am I too late? He said hugging persy:yesnod::smile5:
Yes Ur late dear but Ur at right time: said success smiling
Hey guys, hey success ..Hey why are you all staring at me like that : asked belief
Oh that’s nothing they got their answer on seeing you :said success
Wha what answer? What seeing me? I don’t understand anything said belief
Well it’s a small story I will explain it to u later, so guys I think its time to forget the stupid argument and start enjoying the normal party of friends :said success
Success was having a little chat with his dear friend destiny
So every thing went right success? Asked destiny sipping the tea
Right everything went amazingly perfect hmm I think they came to understand that no matter how perfectly they work a success cannot be achieved unless people believe strongly in themselves, they learned that it was belief that made Edison to work even after 1000 defeats, it was belief that made Ulysses.s.grant to win a lot no battles after a lot personal failure, and it was belief that made Abraham Lincoln to achieve his targets after a lot of defeats, today they understood that the one strong belief in success can take them(humans) across thousands of defeats, pass them through hell a lot pain, and tones of sacrifice to ever achieve me greatly.:grouphug:

So it all starts with belief in thyselves

But success there is two friends of mine waiting who have contrasting views to u: said destiny

Those two friends are none other than U dear readers the “two friends” is for male and female character
Just submit Ur contrasting views with success (character) as a part of this story. I personally look forward, wish and love for a lot of different views from dear readers. :yesnod:

Farewell friends.:)

07-30-2011, 03:10 PM
I like the concept behind this - a modern fable on how our efforts and positive attitudes will be rewarded.

I was able to persevere through the multitude of incorrect expressions - putting that down to the fact that English is presumably not your first language.

But there's a lot you can do to improve the style of the story itself.

There is far too much needless repetition. The story would flow much more smoothly if you trimmed away the surplus.

for example

you tell us failure loved these types of parties - then later in the same paragraph failure tells everyone else how he loves these types of parties. The reader already knows by now so there's no need to tell us twice,


describing twice how it was Mr Success who opened the door in the same sentence.

There are many more examples where you recycle the same material or go on too long as if you are trying to fill the page with words rather than get on with the story. There is a phrase in film-making - cut to the chase (don't drag the story out when there's no need).

The dialogue is also a little stiff - it sounded more like an office briefing than a party - and being told who 'said' what after each line of dialogue is being repetitive again and becomes boring after a while.

If you use dialogue correctly the reader will have no trouble working out who is speaking.

A fair effort but in need of very much more work to make it readable for most people


07-30-2011, 10:40 PM
hello hillwalker, i liked all suggestion u made to make an story Interesting and readable. thank you and yes whatever u said was 100 percent true, i never saw it from that angle.and yes English is not my first language.:smilewinkgrin:

Varenne Rodin
07-31-2011, 02:49 PM
Don't say "u" instead of "you" ever. It's not necessary. It's not a time saver. You are capable of doing better. I'm not sure how much effort you actually want to put in to writing. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

07-31-2011, 04:44 PM
I have to agree, don't use u or ur as a shortcut, it just looks cheap and will stop people from even trying to read your stuff - which actually could be a shame because the idea behind this is an interesting one and I think you have something here.

We all make spelling and grammatical errors by mistake, it is silly to add more in on purpose.
I would also drop all the smilies for the same reason.....but that might just be my age showing.