View Full Version : LM Alcott was right

Hannah Flynn
05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Louisa May Alcott was right about getting Laurie to marry Amy, it was the coupling that worked out the best as Amy was the right sort of wife for Laurie in the society that they lived in. Though this is not the most romantic ending, it is not a romantic book. It is about the burdens that these women, and indeed all women at the time had to carry. Though I do not think of it that cynically, as Laurie was the boy next door of her childhood, who in his childish naughtiness almost would have stopped her from growing up. Joe is throwing away convention by marrying the professor who encourages her to grow in her writting and intellect. Not something that would have been fully appreciated at the time.<br>Also, I am a teenager and have read it many many times along with my peers who realise that it is the masterpiece that it is.