View Full Version : Every Dream Wants to Live

04-21-2011, 11:46 PM
Each dream is a vision, born
in the crystal teardrop of the Great Eye.
From each blink a dream emerges
to float into the nursery
of manifestation. Kept safe and
protected from the dream killers:


I feel the pulse of each teardrop
in an infinite web vibrating All Things Possible.
Its hum the gateway that each dream
must pass through – to run the gauntlet.

The dream killers eagerly await their prey.
Some will be ripped to shreds,
never completing their journey.
Others will be maimed.
Their buds never blooming
to their full potential.

Every dream
with child-like wonder,
embarks on this desperate journey,
to couple with life.

Hopeful to conceive
and to bear the fruit
of its manifestation…

A dream come true.

tailor STATELY
04-22-2011, 06:45 PM
Welcome to Litnet from a fellow Cali resident.

Delightful poem. Wonderful imagination & conveyance there-of.

My favorite passage:

I feel the pulse of each teardrop
in an infinite web vibrating All Things Possible.
Its hum the gateway that each dream
must pass through – to run the gauntlet.

Look forward to more of your writing.

Ta ! (short for tarradiddle),
tailor STATELY

04-22-2011, 10:25 PM
Thank you, tailor Stately - I appreciate your comment. I am hoping to learn a lot here. Nice to see a fellow Californian! :-)

04-22-2011, 10:50 PM
Vignette ~ so glad to see you here!

I like this poem very much and understand it's meaning.

IMHO I think this stanaza could use more work

The dream killers eagerly await their prey.
Some will be ripped to shreds,
never completing their journey.
Others will be maimed.
Their buds never blooming
to their full potential.

Perhaps it could even be deleted or perhaps tighten up as you have already described the dream killers...

I am the novice here, just like you learning.

but I had to put my two-cents in!



04-22-2011, 11:26 PM
KP - always a pleasure to see you! :-) I had wondered the same thing - about that stanza, thinking it didn't flow quite right, but was at a loss as to how to tighten it up. Maybe just delete some of the lines so it reads like this:

"The dream killers eagerly away their prey.
Some will be ripped to shreds,
others will be maimed"

Short and sweet and more to the point.