View Full Version : Contemporaries

04-13-2011, 08:06 PM
My conscience and I do not speak,
not in civil tones anyway,
or with our inside voices.

We follow the same stream
but occupy separate shores.
Now and then we yell,
one to the other,
so that neither of us strays too far.

When we catch a glimpse,
of the other,
the bitterness of our disgust
sends us each on his solitary way.

04-14-2011, 04:39 AM
Wow... this is really strange but I actually had a piece brewing in my head very similar to this, at least the idea of me and my conscious having this dispute and going our separate ways; you know, framing it between a war and a marital dispute. Anyway, I think you expressed it better than I could have, so perhaps I'll go work on something else! One suggestion might be to personify conscious instead of referring to it as "yours" because, indeed, the poem doesn't make it sound as if you really "own" it.

04-14-2011, 05:43 AM
Loved the lines

We follow the same stream
but occupy separate shores.


04-14-2011, 10:19 AM
Munkin, this poem is as fantastic as the last one you posted. Bother, now I'm going to have to dig through the archives and see what else I've been missing of yours :)

I thought the line "we follow the same stream/but occupy separate shores" was brilliant.