View Full Version : Need help in Analysis of Metaphor from Novel to the Lighthouse

03-26-2011, 07:51 AM
Metaphor is from chapter 7 Book 1

"the beak of brass, the arid scimitar of the male, which smote mercilessly, again and again, demanding sympathy."

I have to analyze it as literally and figuratively. I get the meaning of it its the thought of James for his father Mr. Ramsay but I am finding difficulty in writing appropriately according to literal and figurative.

04-02-2011, 02:33 PM
Metaphor is from chapter 7 Book 1

"the beak of brass, the arid scimitar of the male, which smote mercilessly, again and again, demanding sympathy."

I have to analyze it as literally and figuratively. I get the meaning of it its the thought of James for his father Mr. Ramsay but I am finding difficulty in writing appropriately according to literal and figurative.

males "need" sympathy, according to Ms. Woolf. theme carries through Book 3 between Lilly and Mr. Ramsey. would think this a bfd as evidenced by her allusion to the knife (scimitar), although to myself, being male, hardly. figuratively, does the knife indicate extent and degree in Ms. Woolf's view? I thought the whole thing a little absurd.