View Full Version : Bluebell's Blue

tailor STATELY
03-17-2011, 08:06 PM
Bluebell's Blue

In a forgotten meadow

Late in May

Sometimes when scarlet

Precedes the azure skye

A spider's web strand

Bejeweled with dew

Will tug upon the

Bluebell's blue

Shaking it from

Its sleepy sleep

Waking it to the

Smell of dusky lavender

Emanating from the deep


Ta ! (short for tarradiddle),
tailor STATELY

03-17-2011, 08:16 PM
Welcome back tailor,
natural beauty of as tiny event of nature whilst we are all busy doing other stuff. It has a magical feel to it. As it should.
welcome back hug ( manly though :) )

03-17-2011, 10:44 PM
Very colorful and coaxing. It's almost like an inverse nocturne.

tailor STATELY
03-19-2011, 06:06 AM
@ deryk - If this is your first incarnation on the forums - Welcome!

"Inverse nocturne": How clever. In the musical sense, perhaps I could coax a piano composition out of it with a wee bit more imagination, and work, on my part. I'm still trying to enhance a composition from an older poem I crafted into a larger piece (with mixed results).

@ Jerrybaldy - Thank you! Manly half-hug back at ya. Good to be back. Itching to write again (where's the calamine?). Been mostly doing re-writes and web maintenance and researching what-nots and where-for-alls, and just being busy being busy. Missed all -y'all terribly through the interim.

The allusion I tried to convey, and perhaps failed at, was the tug of the Bluebell as a metaphor for the old fashioned "safety coffin" / "saved by the bell" idea - but not in such blatant terms, more a 'remember me?' perhaps; the "forgotten meadow" a long lost graveyard; the "dusky lavender" a hint of old nosegay.

The first incarnation of my poem was from a dream that indicated the outskirts of the city of Versailles? (Versaille/skye rhyme) for some odd raison (sic) - which, after deliberation, sounded too ostentatious... Perhaps the Doctor Who episode I watched recently on the USA import of the BBC channel on my satellite feed fed my imagination thence? This poem is probably the fifth of a series of edits; hopefully its ready to be critiqued.

{I'm a bit ambivalent about "Its sleepy sleep" - though I like its childish charm and thought it balanced the "Bluebell's blue" couplet}

I'm looking forward to looking back on all the wonderful poetry posted from the several months I deprived myself from participation on this wonderful portal of poetry (sounds wordy and awkward - but I'll let it pass). Just hope the power stays on: (snow).

Ta ! (short for tarradiddle),
tailor STATELY

03-19-2011, 07:24 PM
so graceful... and blue. have enjoyed. thanks! Bar

tailor STATELY
03-19-2011, 08:05 PM
Thank you Bar22do for your kind comment.

03-19-2011, 08:13 PM
Hi tailor... I don't think I've met you yet!
I liked this poem, it was very colorful in a dreamy sort of way. It has the mood of that moment between sleeping and wakefulness, when you aren't entirely certain which of those worlds you're in. Quietly charming :)

tailor STATELY
03-20-2011, 02:59 AM
Thank you everyadventure.

Please to meet you as well, and welcome to litnet !

07-08-2011, 03:56 AM
simply beautiful poem. :-)

tailor STATELY
07-08-2011, 04:44 AM
Thank you beautiful_heart.

I was surprised to see my poem dusted off and brought off the shelf (or is it the other way around?).

Ta ! (short for tarradiddle),
tailor STATELY

07-08-2011, 05:05 AM
My pleasure. Well I was just reading the other poetry and came across your this poem. I like its title and started reading it and found it beautiful and thus, commented on it. :-)