View Full Version : Presence.

Alx Kelevra
03-16-2011, 02:16 PM

Of the silver tongued.
Of a well worded manner.
Of an educated speech.

An appearance of.
An ability to convey via physique.
An overwhelming physical demand.

... With this word he will bring all eyes upon him.

You will smile, cheer, and parade.
Your jaws will be sore,
Your throats will throb,
Your lungs will burn.

He will smile, applaud and bow.

... With his presence, and like sheep.

We will not see what he is to bring upon us...

03-16-2011, 03:25 PM
This is sort of an abstract skeleton. I understand the meaning, but there would be more meaning if you were to throw in some concrete bones. It tastes like cooking spray. Give it some buttery curds- especially in the opening stanzas!

03-16-2011, 05:15 PM
I don't know whether you're referring to God or a Car Salesman! Is this a close distinction between them?