View Full Version : book length?

02-10-2003, 06:47 AM
about how many words are in a relatively short book? by short book, i'm thinking "catcher in the rye." the reason i ask is, i'm trying to write my own book and i'm scared that it might be too short. the first chapter is only 800 words or so. some (if not most) of shakespeare's plays were very short (my copy of othello is only 70 or so pages). but in this day and age, will a short, but good book sell well?

thanks for the help

02-10-2003, 12:29 PM
Write what you have to say in the way you want to say it. The length will then determine if you have a novel, a novella or a short story. (Good luck in your endeavors.)

I hope you will use correct capitalization in your writing :D