View Full Version : Reaction about Discrimination

08-28-2010, 10:57 PM
I'm not a black guy
I'm not a white guy,
I'm an Asian,
and I also receive discrimination in some ways here in US because I can't speak english fluently,
so when I think of 1950's (time of Martin Luther King?),
I wonder how black people react, how they feel, at those times when the racial discrimination is like an explosion,
because me, myself, i overcome this feeling of discriminated by just not paying attention to racist people,
now, i was wondering how does black people overcome these such things......

08-29-2010, 11:54 AM
anything you can say about this?

The Atheist
08-30-2010, 09:32 PM
anything you can say about this?


I'm not black, so I won't comment on that, but I have a little trouble with your description of having English as a second language causing racism.

I don't think that's necessarily the case, because it can be difficult to deal with ESL speakers - I know, I deal with them daily. It is frustrating, and sometimes I have no choice but to walk away or hang up on them. It isn't racism if someone has a problem with understanding you, and I suspect that might be a lot of your problem.