View Full Version : Female Charecters in Crime and Punishment

12-05-2009, 08:30 PM
How would i show that the female characters in C&P are not trodden personalities but strong characters? this refers mostly to the main charecters, like Dunya and Sonya. even nastasya might work.

12-07-2009, 05:48 AM
Showing Sonya strong should be simple: super-human, she is steadfast in thought and deed. Dunya stands up to the fiend, Svidrigaïlov, and does not wilt in the face of her brother’s ongoing trauma. Nastasya - she at least copes in a world of hard knocks. And don't forget self-sacrificing Lizaveta.

03-02-2010, 12:33 PM
Sonya is very strong person, and what is more, she's staying pure despite her "profession".

03-25-2010, 09:42 AM
No matter what differences there are in their personalities, almost all the women in the book are very caring figures that almost invariably sacrifice some part of themselves for something that they care about. THey all had a certain pureness about them. Katerina Ivanovna has an incredible determination to her very death that her children should not grow up poor and has a certain unbreakable pride til the end. Raskolnikov's mother was sending her son her pension practically before she even had it to send. Dounia, it seems really was ready to marry for convenience so that her family could live well. Sonya did whatever she felt she had to for her siblings, then followed Raskolnikov to Siberia, knowing that he killed her friend. The only woman who didn't have this caring quality was the old pawnbroker lady, which is funny because it kind of supports the idea that she was a louse.