View Full Version : Death and the Lady

11-03-2009, 12:57 PM
In chapter 21 of MC, this sentence occurs: "The compound figure of Death and the Lady at the top of the old ballad was not divided with a greater nicety, and hadn't halves more monstrously unlike each other, than the two profiles of Zephaniah Scadder." Death and the Lady is, indeed, an old ballad that appeared on many broadsides over many centuries before and continuing into the 19th. Finding the words--in fact, many versions--of the song has not been a problem. Finding the image--half Death/half Lady--that Dickens, and others, claim commonly appeared at the top of broadsides of this song has been, however. I cannot find it anywhere on the Internet. My eternal gratitude to anyone who can put in a link to or paste in this image to this thread. It's got to be out there somewhere. Undying gratitude for a source with this image.