View Full Version : Devil Jazz by Craig Forgrave

03-13-2009, 07:50 PM
Picture the world as a plaything; sort of like a halfway house between good and evil. This is essentially what Craig Forgrave creates in his eye-opening novel Devil Jazz.

When Satan reveals himself to the world as an extraterrestrial, he brings with him three key minions to do his bidding; Adolf Hitler, Marilyn Monroe, and Vincent Van Gogh. Together they attempt to destroy the delicate balance of the world and mankind. Not with brute force or fantastical acts, but with cunning wit, persuasion, natural disasters, and technological advances, of course. On the opposing side, an amnesiac with nothing but his voice to sway mankind, and his small group of followers, who are working to derail the alien’s master plan and save the human race.

Full of timeless questions and lines you will want to write on your walls, Devil Jazz leaves no loose knots for the quintessential Good vs. Evil allegory. With elements of both social and political satire, Forgrave echoes the very essence of our being, faith. How will you fair in the face of an apocalypse? Will you stand up when no one else will? Or will you conform? Even if it's against everything you 'believe' in. Forgrave will help to hew these answers from the crux of your soul and beg the question, "Are people inherently good?”