View Full Version : Baron Munchausen quote - help

fabiana castro
02-27-2009, 07:01 PM
Would any one know the meaning of this Baron Munchausen quote: "Vas ya dere, charley?"
Apparently it is used as an expression, but I have no idea what it means.

03-05-2009, 06:43 AM
I can't say I recall that one...

Might mean "where you there?", as in: did you witness it? If not, who are you to say it did or did not happen? Just guessing, though ;)

I googled a bit, and apparently it's also attributed to Marlon Brando - but then again, if it's an English saying it is just normal that it should be used. The oddity here though, is that I only find about 10 hits to it, so it's not too common :)

You've got me curious now though... Is it from the book (Raspe) or is it somewhere else written down as to be said by the "real" baron?