View Full Version : I lost the original...

03-06-2005, 11:17 PM
:rage: i wrote this fiction/horror story, 6 pages total, and i think my mom tossed it out!!! So, i will re-write it here, in less than a page.... :cool:

I was sitting in the bedroom, nothing to do at 2 am, when my only son who i cherished like a diamond, rushed in. He cried, and screamed waking the family. Trying ti comfort him, i brushed his hair from his young yet knowing eyes. They had come. And they woukldnt leave without my love. My only one, i held dear. Giving up, i crawled into bed, as the hooded men slithered in the door. One with a rope, one with a knife....
They took his life away, and i shall never forgive that.
Taking his, ruining mine.
I pressed my hand on his shoulder, but there was no warmth. No love. No life. Befor i knew it, he was dead. Cold. It sent shivers through me to see him sway. And yet i was relieved. I just didnot know who to turn to. The whole village thought i did it. Thought i killed him. Why? i do not know. But my lack of happiness soon overcame fear. I didnt cry, not a tear. For i had to show strong for my babies. Adian and Megg. My new found light.
Then the sheriff came, and he had a mouthfull to say and ask. he told me i was a wicked woman, killing my love, not even showing remorse. But i proved him wrong. He saw the first tear fall from my eye that had fallen in ages. And he knew. And he understood for the time being.
I was walking Adian and Megg to school one morning, when a man on a horse snatched me up, leaving the children alone in the woods. He took me to the gallows, and put the noose to my neck. And he said to me, "i am alpha and omega the first and the last..." As soon as he said that, i felt an eerie sensation on my back, and suddenly, he was draining my blood. he killed me, and gave birth to me that morning. And we hunted them together. And we raised my kids together. And it was terrible. he made me what i am now, and what i never wished to be. he made me lose feeling, lose hope, lose love. and the neighbours, they questioned us relentlessly. But I grew past it all. And I learned.
I tried to controll my life, but the sherriff wanted to take it away. So, i begged, and cried, and felt emotion once more. But it was of no use, and it was his always helping hand that dropped me, made me know how my love had felt that morning. And i died on those gallows, but i was not given a third helping of life. I was given hell....