View Full Version : The Beatles and Political Messianism

Ron Price
02-09-2005, 04:59 AM

The continuity of a tradition matters more than the authenticity of the canon to many defenders of the old faiths; and the Beatles did not give a damn about tradition. This has been the mood of western society now for at least a half-century, if not longer. -Ron Price with thanks to J.L. Salmon, Political Messianism: The Romantic Phase, The History of Totalitarian Democracy, Vol. 1, Secker and Warburg, London, 1960, p.viii. :santasmil

They seemed to need an excuse to go crazy;
and they did and called it Beatlemania, like
some great catharsis to release ten thousand
years of a necessary reserve, domestication
of civilization, its rules and the keep-it-in ethic,
the structure of a whole moral order on the edge
of collapse and it did and it is, as a new aweful
solitude, not known since neolithic times, extends
as far as the eye can see into infinity and a new
epoch-making synthesis makes its move through
the first century of its Iron Age with its unity firmly
intact, ship kept on course and safe to port,1 what
Weber called a fully institutionalized and legitimated
charisma in what was then a new sociology of religion.2 :p

1 This expression is used by the Universal House of Justice in its first statement in 1963.
2 Weber outlined his sociology about the time ‘Abdu’l-Baha came west in 1912.

Ron Price
18 December 1996