View Full Version : letter from mr. bennet

09-19-2008, 12:02 PM
Ok hi I'm new I need help with this:
Write a letter from Mr. Bennet to a friend telling them about Mrs. Bennet what she is like how you like to wind her up etc.

09-20-2008, 02:09 AM
The letter is tricky in that Mr Bennet rarely speaks but with irony.

Dear friend,

Just a word or two on Mrs Bennet.

I am glad to find my wife does not depend on Mrs Long enabling husbands for her daughters. For that purpose, I have visited and introduced myself to Mr Bingley, leaving my simple wife in raptures, which I confess I find fatiguing.

At the following ball, I had rather hoped that all her views on that stranger would be disappointed, but she proudly observes that Jane ‘was the only creature in the room that he asked' to dance a second time. Mrs. Bennet’s litany of Bingley’s dancing partners made me wish ‘he had sprained his ankle in the first dance’, and then, her descriptions of his finery!

It may be that I only differ from my wife in thinking ‘our two youngest daughters uncommonly foolish’.

[And so on…]


Mr Bennet