View Full Version : Canterbury Tales in Seven

01-24-2005, 08:27 PM
Maybe some of you have watched the movie "Seven", about this guy (John Doe) who did a serial killings based on the seven deadly sins idea of Thomas Aquinas and/or St Augustine.

And Canterbury Tales is used as one of the refference by Detective Sommerset (starring Morgan Freeman) to understand the psychopatic killer.

So it makes me wonder, I mean Canterbury tales are filled with nice harmless stories. I mean the idea of purgatory or, paradise lost, may influenced someone's thought..but the Canterbury tales?

01-25-2005, 05:38 PM
I loved that movie, sub, and I feel glad that someone else enjoyed it too. Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales I find rarely referenced to, if I remember correctly; but I think the works most referred to went as Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy (especially in referring to the seven deadly sins, and a path toward goodness and Paradise after achieving each), and John Milton's Paradise Lost which I believe "John Doe" quoted from: "Long and hard is the way that out of hell leads up to light," meaning that "Doe," after symbolizing the humans descending from the Garden of Eden (Adam and Eve), desired to ascend back to some 'higher level,' if you will with the brutal diligence of murdering people who, to him, represented each of the seven deadly sins.

01-25-2005, 07:45 PM
Yes Mono, but remember when Sommerset went to library, the first book which got the attention (by zooming the title) is Canterbury Tales. And he picked that book along with Paradise Lost and The Divine Comedy.
And also when Mills was in the car, an officer knock his window and gave him a package consit of Canterbury Tales (which is I think the shorter version cause the book is to thin ;) ).
Maybe I should finish reading first, then maybe I'll get the idea whether it's related or not. Thanks for sharing ;)