View Full Version : The Time Machine

08-11-2008, 05:10 PM
Hi my name is Ana and I got some Questions and I would love if you could answer some of them!!

1. Where is the Time Machine held?

2.What does the Time Traveler use to strike the Morlocks?:crash:

3. How does the Time Traveler meet Weena?

4. Of what social class are the Morlocks descendants?

5.Why do the Morlocks flee from the Time Traveler in the Forest?

6.What happens to the Sun when the Time Traveler travels into the far future?

7.How Does the Time Traveler believes Time is related to Space?

8.What do the Eloi eat?

9. What do the Morlocks eat?

10.Where does the Time Traveler (TT) find artifacts from the past?

11. What kind of creatures are the Morlocks?

12.What do the Eloi call the period of the waining moon?

13.What temporarily blinds the Morlocks?:sick:

14. Where does the TT introduce his concept of time travel?

15. What Social system does the TT initially believe is in place in 802,701 AD?

16.What animal do the Morlocks resemble?

17. What scientific principle does the TT's visit to the decaying world thirty millions in the future illustrate?

18.What scientific theory developed by Herbert Spencer does "The Time Machine" combat in many ways?

19. What major social change further stratified the classes in 18th- and 19th-century England?

20. Who is known as the founder of Communism?

21. What does Weena constantly give to the TT?

22. What word did Wells most likely want the word "Eloi" to resemble?

23. Why is the TT afraid to stop the Time Machine once it is in use? :idea:

24. How does the TT first demonstrate the Time Machine?

25. Other than the narrator, which two guests are present at both dinner parties?

11-18-2008, 04:22 PM
umm...have you actually read this book??:S
Just take the time to read it and then all the answers will be clear :)

I would answer all your questions but they don't appear to be important queries about the book.

Sorry if that sounds mean :(


11-18-2008, 04:25 PM
Sounds like you want us to do your homework! If I'm honest I don't think anyone will take the time to answer all that for you, if it was an idea for a paper then yeh, but not that. Would you answer all that if it was the other way round? Maybe a rule of thumb would be don't expect of people what you wouldn't do yourself. Good luck though.

11-18-2008, 05:02 PM
I can help you with number 8....fruits!!!!

I love fruits....

hello everybody
12-04-2009, 04:08 PM
Hi Ana. A few answers but many be wrong? Skpped a few. Hope it helps!!!!

1. Where is the Time Machine held?
London, England

2.What does the Time Traveler use to strike the Morlocks?
A lever from a machine in the museum

3. How does the Time Traveler meet Weena?
He rescues her from drowning in a stream/river.

4. Of what social class are the Morlocks descendants?
Lower social classes, underground workers

5.Why do the Morlocks flee from the Time Traveler in the Forest?
They are afraid of fire

6.What happens to the Sun when the Time Traveler travels into the far future?

7.How Does the Time Traveler believes Time is related to Space?
It is a fourth dimension along with the three planes of space: length, breadth, thickness

8.What do the Eloi eat?

9. What do the Morlocks eat?
Eloi meat

10.Where does the Time Traveler (TT) find artifacts from the past?
An old museum

11. What kind of creatures are the Morlocks?
White, ape-like, nocturnal, scary, violent, cannibalistic

12.What do the Eloi call the period of the waining moon?
13.What temporarily blinds the Morlocks?
light, fire

14. Where does the TT introduce his concept of time travel?
The start of the novella during a dinner party

15. What Social system does the TT initially believe is in place in 802,701 AD?

16.What animal do the Morlocks resemble?

17. What scientific principle does the TT's visit to the decaying world thirty millions in the future illustrate?
The human race divides itself into two different spicies: teh Morlocks, the lower, working class and the Eloi the upper class

18.What scientific theory developed by Herbert Spencer does "The Time Machine" combat in many ways?
the evolution of man into two species

19. What major social change further stratified the classes in 18th- and 19th-century England?

20. Who is known as the founder of Communism?
Kark Marx

21. What does Weena constantly give to the TT?
Affection, flowers

22. What word did Wells most likely want the word "Eloi" to resemble?
sounds like the word 'elite' describing a rich, elite being, while Morlocks is a seemingly perfect word to describe a brutish, ape-like creature

23. Why is the TT afraid to stop the Time Machine once it is in use?

24. How does the TT first demonstrate the Time Machine?
As a miniature model

25. Other than the narrator, which two guests are present at both dinner parties?
The Medical Man and the Psycologist, present to support the Time Traveller’s story scientifically for the papers; and the narrator.