View Full Version : Svidrigaïlov Suicide

08-06-2008, 06:33 AM
I couldnt understand why he comitted suicide ,because he didnt seem depressed! And apparently he didnt think too much about it, he just did it and killed himself.

08-06-2008, 07:50 AM
Dounia's rebuff, a woman money can't buy, was a blow to the urbane and witty Svidrigaïlov. Yet he both commits his crimes and suicide in excellent style and good spirits, in contrast to the grim flirtations of his 'mate', Raskolnikov.

08-06-2008, 08:03 AM
Dounia's rebuff, a woman money can't buy, was a blow to the urbane and witty Svidrigaïlov. Yet he both commits his crimes and suicide in excellent style and good spirits, in contrast to the grim flirtations of his 'mate', Raskolnikov.

But he wanted to go to america right? why didnt he go there and started a new life with a new woman? Maybe thats what a man like him would do.

08-06-2008, 08:38 PM
Why bother to 'go to America', to the new world? Svidrigaïlov has already tried everything: marriage, seduction, lust, deceit, paedophilia, rape, violence, murders, and finally wealth. But now he's even giving his money away.

Following the virtuous Dounia's rejection of him, perhaps only Raskolnikov's comparable situation still stirs a trace of interest! He tells Douna, "I know you will shoot, you pretty wild creature. Well, shoot away!" For Svidrigaïlov, life is fast losing its meaning, its lustre:

I am always fond of children, very fond of them," laughed Svidrigaïlov. "I can tell you one curious instance of it. The first day I came here I visited various haunts, after seven years I simply rushed at them. You probably notice that I am not in a hurry to renew acquaintance with my old friends. I shall do without them as long as I can..."