View Full Version : Problem with Great Expectations

08-05-2008, 11:12 PM
Having a problem with the last paragraph of Chapter 28. I don't understand what Dickens wanted his reader to understand from Pip's reading of the article from the newspaper. Was it just a reference to Pip finding out who is real benefactor is? Appreciate any help! Poet

Charles Darnay
08-05-2008, 11:22 PM
Having a problem with the last paragraph of Chapter 28. I don't understand what Dickens wanted his reader to understand from Pip's reading of the article from the newspaper. Was it just a reference to Pip finding out who is real benefactor is? Appreciate any help! Poet

Overall, you are right, the main "point" of the paragraph (must all paragraphs have a point?) is Pip's realization of who his benefactor is. The hypothetical excursion to the North Pole, I believe, is just a way of saying how Pumblechook was the last person Pip would have realized was his benefactor (caught up as he was with the idea of Miss Haversham): in short, Pip reflecting upon his fault for jumping to conclusions.

08-06-2008, 11:30 PM
Thanks!! Charles, you have boosted my confidence in my ability to understand the Great Masters. I am now pondering your question "must all paragraphs have a point?" poet