View Full Version : The Suicide Siblings - Kitty

12-11-2004, 02:51 PM
For most children their birth is a time of happiness and union, however it was not so for one young girl. Kitty was born on the witches hour on the eleventh of a burning jurly night, but rather than laughter and smiles to her coming there was a sober silence to the gleaming hospital walls. A sad melody to represent not the gain of a life but the loss of one.Held in the slackening embrace of her mothers arms Kitty made not a sound as she gazed in silence upon her mothers dimming features as the life slowly faded to her. She had not even the will to smile a blessing upon her newborn child as her soul faded into the gleaming white walls of the hospital and her breath escaped into the flatlined heart moniter.. The doctors murmered sadly, unable to save a life in which they should ought know how, and at the marr it would leave on the hospital's reputation.So in that night passed the mother, Katarina Suicide, leaving her daughter to the wolves. Little did anyone know of the horror of Katarina's death, for it was not the mere death of a mother giving birth but the matricide of a husband to a wife. Ghigi Suicide had poisoned Katarina during the months of her pregnancy, hoping to dispose of her and the child for his own selfish reasons. However Kitty miraculously survived only to be burden to pain much worse than death could ever assume.
Ghigi Suicide had made it a statement not to appear at his daughters birth, assuming that he would be rid of any connections with either of them as he performed that night with the Ringling Brothers Romanian teeter boarder troupe'. He soon found though that it wouldn't be so easy, as he soon received a phone call he could not refuse. Putting on a mask of sorrow Ghigi retreived the young Kitty from the hospital,showing false cheer when the nurses congradulated him on what a well behaved child he had, but upon returning to the circus grounds he abandoned her , left her to be tended for by his own mother, who played as the fortune telling gypsy on their little troupe' de toure.
They called her Mama Grazia, the witch of the circus grounds. However despite her fearsome appearances she was really a kind hearted old woman. She raised Kitty under the tradition of family , and brought her into the family of the troupe, but despite that Kitty was for the most part under Mama Grazia's care her father did find uses for her. He was a wretched man, at the age of 3 when she was barely able to speak , he put her onto the duty of house cleaning, screaming at her if something was not done to precision and whipping her to bruises. Noone questioned Kitty's silence for she had always been a quite girl and no one thought of Ghigi to be so cruel for he always seemed so nice. Mama Grazia though did know, but in trying to help she could only make things worse.
Mama came unto Ghigi one night, when the chill air of approaching winter would have a tendancy to seep into your bones.But indoors it was a war that was raging rather than the cold of silence. They were arguing feircely, Kitty who was used to the raised voices of her father merely continued about her duties, removing the nails from the wall as she had been instructed. This time though , it would be diffrent, for it was not a mere argument that raged but an inferno.
"How can you mistreat your own daughter so! She is your flesh and blood, we are supposed to be a family bonded together and look at this!! she has bruises all over her body! You are a disgrace!!!" Mama raged with life you would never expect from such an old woman as she moved closer the imposing form of Ghigi, with his well muscled and tanned form, infamous of the troupe' men. His dark hair was in disarray and his breath wreaked of alchohol. His voice boomed through the small trailer, causing both Kitty and Mama to flinch at it's ferocity.
" Get out you old hag!"
" How many times do i have to tell you that she is none of your business!!" Ghigi's eyes glared at her loathsomely, She though did not back down, but perhaps thinking on it now it might have been better for her to.
" She is my business, She is part of my family too! You have no right to abuse her!" Mama screamed pushing at Ghigi's much larger form.Kitty pulled at the nails out of the wall, trying to push the voices out of her head.She brushed some of her light brown hair out of her eyes trying to ignore the fighting, But it seemed destined in the end for her to just be drawn into it.
" You want to see abuse old woman... I'll show you abuse." Ghigi said in a chill voice, the calm before a storm as the would call it. His large footsteps rocked the trailer as he stomped over to where Kitty sat pulling the array of nails out of the wall.
"I'LL SHOW YOU ABUSE.!" His voice raised the deafening heights as he slammed his foot into the nail Kitty's hand had been trying to pry loose. Kitty screamed in pain as the nail ripped through the soft flesh of her youth, mingling with the screams of Mamas horror and cries to stop. But he didn't stop, no he didn't stop there, he turned to Mama Grazia reaching over the kitchen counter top to grasp the butcher knife he had been using to cut meat. This time though instead of approaching Kitty he moved towards mama, leaving the child on the floor cowering in the corner. Ghigi rammed the knife through mama's stomache pushing the horrified woman onto the floor as he continued to stab her through.It seemed like he would never be satisfied, even after she was dead. Kitty could only cry her sobs wracking her small form. She never heard the sirens or the cops come in. All she knew was that her only other mother was dead.
There was nothing, she was floating through and endless ovlivion. Blurry images and ghost like voices faded in and out of eternity like iridescent dreams. There was no comprehension or memory, just peace, nothingness. Faceless dolls hovered beyond the dome of darkness whispering in hushed voices and tending to her needs, the steady blip of the heart moniter coinciding with the ghost like echoes transmitted through this world of dreams.She was aware of all of this, and yet she did not want to wake up. She wanted to remain this way, forever, and who could very well blame her for the things that have and would happen.
" How is she?" a female doll asked, her voice laced with concern as she tampered with the equipment that kept the young girls life if not stable then still there.
" Good...Considering." The sober voice of one of the male dolls responded. She felt a buzzing deep inside her mind, like one of those irritating flies that wouldn't leave you alone, and the more you swatted at it the more it pestered you.
"The poor darling, she's only five." The woman said sympathetically, her voice nearly lost in the static. Her head pounded, her darkness interuppted with a deafening static.She couldn't understand what they were saying anymore. She couldn't care, just make it go away!
".......family...she...wake up." they were still talking, why wouldn't they shut up.
As if on an unknown signal occurred everything turned to chaos. A tortured scream echoed and consumed everything, peircing through the ocean of noise, the agonizing cry of a dying animal. Not to care that it was herself screamin. Someone out there was shouting. All she wanted to say was kill me.
"Quick inject half a kilo of morphine in her! She's having a v attack!.. Janice hold her down!" one of the doctors was shouting orders. Her eyes shot open, the light blinding her with the flourescent white, colors whirred about her in a haze, it was like riding a carousel everything so disorienting and chaotic. Someone was holding her down, as she fought with force greater than that of a child, tears burned the back of her eyes...until. The morphine set in and all returned to black.

12-11-2004, 02:52 PM
When Kitty awoke again it was to a deafening silence. Her whole body ached, her hand inparticular feeling as though dozens of blades had been stabbed into her flesh. She tried to push herself up in the stiff hospital bed only to collapse back in defeat as her body screamed in pain.Tears burned the back of her eyes as she curled into a fetal position. Voices interupted her thoughs as she could here the nightly nurses committing their rounds to their patients.The creaking of the doorknob gave her slight of warning before a blinding stream of light illuminated the shadows of the impurely white room. They spoke in hushed voices but Kitty could still hear them fine as if they were speaking normally.
"So anyway Ruth, Jen was wanting to go out after are shift ends.Maybe have a few drinks and whatnot.....OH MY GOODNESS!!! Look Ruth She's up!"A rather high and squeeky female voice said, the rush of footsteps soon bringing a rather plump woman to occupy Kitty's vision. She was by many means a large woman, with dark curly hair framing her plump rosy cheeks as she gazed at Kitty In excitement from a pair of rather blank looking green orbs. A thin blonde woman soon joined her side, who Kitty assumed to be Ruth. She had a very sharp look about her, almost resembling a pixie. As she spoke her voice was deep, and far more soothing than that of the other lady.
"Well now...Mrs. Suicide should be pleased to hear of this, Go fetch Dr.Humprey Bonnie and tell him to hurry down here."
and with that the other nurse hurried off into the hallway, her shoes clicking loudly on the tiled floor. Ruth's thin lips stretched into a smile as she turned to pick up a glass and pitcher, filling the glass with water.
"You must be thirsty, you've been out for two days. How do you feel?" She asked , helping Kitty into a sitting position and handing her the glass.
Kitty raised the glass to her lips drinking eagerly, the water cool and refreshing to her dried and cracked throat. When she had drained the glass of every last drop she looked at the nurse.
"I ...hurt." She said, her voice raspy from lack of use. The nurse just smiled sadly and patted Kitty's head.
"That's expected dear, but Dr.Humphrey should be in in just a moment to help you with that." As if on cue a rather tall and square looking man walked purposefully into the room smiling down at Kitty in a friendly manner.
"Well good morning sunshine, how do you feel?" He said repeating the young blonde. In response Kitty shook her head and the doctor laughed. Well then how about we get you some medicine." He walked over to the counter and retreived a syringe and needle, filling it with a clear liquid. When he came back to Kitty's side he took her arm in his. She looked at him fearfully, chewing on her lower lip in anticipation. Dr.Humprey just gave her a small smile. " Don't worry dear it'll only hurt for a minute."
Almost as soon as he finished his sentence Kitty felt the sharp sting in her arm as she squinted her eyes shut against the pain, but no sooner was it there than it was gone replaced by a gentle burning sensation.
"You'll be free to go home in a few hours. Mrs. Suicide should be sending someone to pick you up." The doctor said leaving to room, Kitty could only watch questioningly. Ruth shook her head at his retreat and brought a stool to sit next to Kitty, in an attempt to expalin what no one else had thought to do yet.
"You'll be going to live with you're mothers sister and her family. That's what he means by Mrs. Suicide is sending someone for you. The police said they couldn't find very many possessions of yours in the house, but what they did find they brought here. I know this will be a big change for you, but hopefully it will be for the better." She smiled lightly before standing and leaving Kitty alone again.
After what seemed like an eternity Dr. Humprey returned occupied by another tall man. He had a military cut to his hair and stood straight and stiff, he seemed more robot than human. Dr. Humprey introduced this man as Kitty's uncle, saying that he would be taking her to her new home in Dunwhich.Everything passed by as if in a dream. Before she knew it Kitty was settled into her uncle's black porsche speeding down the highway, leaving behind her past and everything she had ever known.