View Full Version : The bad girl by Mario Vargas Llosa

05-12-2008, 08:21 AM
The bad girl by Mario Vargas Llosa

The plot of the story is quite similar to Flaubert's Madame Bovary: good, well mannered boy falls madly in love for the attractive new girl, who treats him with cruelty and keeps abandoning him exactly when he thinks his dreams will come true.

Ricardo's love for the bad girl, whose identity changes with each move to a new country, verges on obsession though he's forever forgiving her for all the countless times she disappears from his life, a perpetual occurance which begins in the 1950s in Peru and ends in France in the 90s.
His work as a translator in Paris is the only way he can sometimes escape the bad girl's lies, though he knows he can never forget her.

Throughout the book, you always question why the bad girl deserts Ricardo for wealthier men, only to come back to him, seemingly out of spite but maybe, ultimately out of love.


05-12-2008, 08:41 AM
I haven't read that one, but I have read Death In The Andes by Llosa and it was outstanding. Here: http://www.amazon.com/Death-Andes-Mario-Vargas-Llosa/dp/0374140014. Llosa should be on a short list for Nobel prize.

05-12-2008, 09:20 AM
Virgil, thanks for the link. I'm now trying to find more books by Llosa and I might actually try the one you suggested :)