View Full Version : coursework(othello)

04-24-2008, 05:29 PM
To what extent can the shakespeare presentation of othello said to be negative?

05-06-2008, 07:50 AM
There are so many ways you can take this essay i would probably do a plan like

1. Othello is isolated from other character much of what we learn about him is through other interpritations.
2. being a black moor in a predominate white society cast susppition on othellos humaninty as his war status much be high. This shows othello is a killer.
3. By the deception and manipulation iago has cause Othello the character ends up killing his wife which goes against everything catholism stood for at this time. This represent othello in a negative light that added by the fact he commited suicide which is a cardianl sin cast othellos charter once again into isoloation.

Then i would find contextual evidence and continue from there