View Full Version : "Everyone in the play either suspects or is himself suspected." Show how true this is

03-03-2008, 10:05 PM
:bawling: Ok. i really really need help on this one. i'm supposed to do a presentation in class on this topic but i have no idea what to do. can anyone help me please. i really need a creative way of presenting. any ideas? usually i'd be quick to think about something like this but i don't know what has happened to my brain lately.

We know that Malcolm suspects the guards and later on Macbeth, of killing Duncan, and he suspects Macduff might be loyal to Macbeth . Malcom and his brother is also suspected by Macduff to have paid Duncan's guards to murder Duncan. Any one else?:idea:

03-03-2008, 11:07 PM
Almost everyone suspects Macbeth, but especially Macduff. Macbeth begins to suspect Macduff and later regrets his slowness to act.

03-10-2008, 09:43 PM
thnx gladis for ur input:thumbs_up