View Full Version : Please help !!!! it's about chapter 35!! i beg yhoo!!

01-05-2008, 06:46 PM
Hey.. i have an essay i need to write && these are what the questions are based on:

1) write about the ways Austen tells the story in chapter 35
2) what use does Austen make of letters in the whole of Pride & Prejudice

I really need help.. could u plzzzzzzzzzzzz give me any helpful sites except from the pemberly one.. :)

Any one has any thoughts.. plz mention them =]
:bawling: I need help ..!!!

01-06-2008, 01:32 PM
"Letters play an important role in the plot of Pride and Prejudice. In fact, Austen may have originally written the work as an epistolary novel. In this type of novel, the plot is developed entirely through letters."

"...the development of Darcy and Mr. Collins’ characters is of especial interest. The personalities of both men are revealed through similar acts—letter writing, speaking, and reading—but while their activities are the same, the manner in which they engage in the activities varies with each man, thereby illustrating the differences in their personalities."

"In the novel Pride and Prejudice, letter-writing is almost as much a form of communication as face-to-face conversation. In fact, letters provide some of the most intense and important climaxes in the story, not to mention some of the most intense

"Austen was writing during a time when novels in the form of letters - called epistolary novels-were very popular. There are nearly two dozen letters quoted in whole or in part in Pride and Prejudice, and numerous other references to letters and letter - writing. How do you think letters function in the novel? How do the letters - a narrative element-interact with the dramatic element (manifested in the dialogue)?"

You might want to conduct your own Google searh to get other responses and ideas as well.

01-06-2008, 02:10 PM
Chaper 35 begins as the majority of the book, as a third person narrative.

Then, Austen uses a letter in which Darcy tells his side of the story in first person.

Within the letter, "flashback" is employed also, in duscussing the Netherfield Ball, and also Mr. Wickham's dealings with Georgiana Darcy.

01-06-2008, 08:34 PM
ohhh thnk u soo much !!
u are a life saver..this will help alot =]