View Full Version : Did not receive your Registration Email Confirmation yet?

12-03-2007, 10:06 AM

If you did not receive your email confirmation yet? here are a few suggestions :)

Most email clients (Yahoo!, Gmail/Googlemail, Hotmail, AOL, etc) use very aggressive Spam filters.


That is the #1 reason people don't get their confirmation email.


Or, it is sitting in your Spam or Junk email folder and you miss it.

One thing to do before you register to the site, or, after you have registered, but still haven't gotten the confirmation email, to ensure that you get correspondence from the site in future:

In your email program, create a "Safe Filter" for the site's main domain --> online-literature.com <--. Entering that should ensure that you get any and all emails from any URL from The Literature Network :) (Including notifications of new Private Messages if you have that enabled (http://www.online-literature.com/forums/showpost.php?p=364207&postcount=27); and or, notifications of new blog (http://www.online-literature.com/forums/showpost.php?p=275506&postcount=1) or thread posts if you have subscriptions (http://www.online-literature.com/forums/showpost.php?p=362584&postcount=25) in place.)


[For example, in Gmail? click "Create a filter" at the top of the Inbox page. Enter online-literature.com in the From field. Then click Next Step; here you can either click the Star it option, or, create a Label called "The Literature Network" or something like that and select that Label for the Apply the label option. If you selected "Star it", you can always change or delete this Filter once you have gotten a few emails and established a 'conversation' with the site.

In Hotmail? click "Options", then "Safe and blocked senders", then "Safe senders", and again, just add the domain online-literature.com to your list.

Once you have created the Safe Filter, you can Subscribe (http://www.online-literature.com/forums/showpost.php?p=362584&postcount=25) to something, a busy forum topic is good, to test that your filter works.]


If you have still created a Safe Filter and gone through the Registration process, but have not yet received your email after a day (usually it arrives much faster though, within minutes!) please post in this forum to let us know and we'll assist you.


Also, if your account is still pending confirmation? you should see a clickable link at the top of forum pages to request that your email is re-sent.




07-17-2009, 07:51 AM
We can not tell you your password if you have forgotten it, but we can send a password reminder/reset to you via the email you signed up to the site with. So please follow the steps above in adding the address to your "safe" list before asking for password reminders :)