View Full Version : Beowulf - I need your help!

11-13-2007, 10:37 PM
Hey Everyone,
I have an assignment for an English Literature class. I must write 6 pages regarding the clothing & weapons people used, all based off of only Beowulf.

Does anyone have any suggestions or pointers? Or know of some lines in Beowulf that might be particularly helpful? I read the whole poem, but this does not come naturally to me, and I'm having a lot of trouble getting 6 pages out of this.

Please help!

12-03-2007, 01:09 AM
My best reply to you is to skim through the poem highlighting anything in reference to clothing or weapons from that go back and compose your essay over the information you have highlighted in essence thats really all you can do, as for length the best answer is not just to state facts but to as well add your own commentary of thoughts over each fact