View Full Version : A Parable Story

11-12-2007, 08:45 PM
I had to write a very short story in English that ended with it's meaning in the form of a parable and this was my result-

When The Sun Shines

Aiden stood in front of his school reading the poster that had been posted on the school’s wall. Hundreds of the same posters were scattered about, blowing aimlessly in the cool April wind. Hardly anyone paid close attention to them. They read in bold colorful print:

Are you interested in a career in law?
Don’t know where to get started?
Write an essay on
“Law in Life”
to win an opportunity to have
an internship over the summer
at M.J. Cole and Sons Law Firm
Essay deadline: May 1st.
For further information visit the School Office.

Aiden smiled. No one else would probably enter this contest at his school. Anyone who had read this poster in the first place wouldn’t want to write an essay or lose their precious summer working at a law firm for no pay. But it was just up his ally. He could already see himself in a court room as a lawyer, defending the innocent and bringing justice to all. With this dream in mind he spent the rest of the week studying in the library. He poured over law books and history texts from past cases. He was prepared to write the best essay he had ever written in his life. Soon he noticed Elias Maibury was doing much the same thing.

Elias was one of the top students in school so Aiden told himself it was only normal study habits. Still, Aiden was uneasy. One day he walked over out of curiosity to where Elias was sitting and saw him taking notes out of a book call Modern Cases: How Law Is Relevant Today and at the top of his notes he had written “Law in Life”. Aiden realized then he had to work harder. No matter what, he would write the better essay.

April rolled along quickly as Aiden studied and wrote his essay. He stapled the papers together neatly on the morning of April 30th and directly after school planned to walk to M.J. Cole and Sons Law Firm and turn it in a day early.

When he arrived, there standing at the reception desk was Elias Maibury dressed in a suit and holding a sleek black folder which obviously held a well written essay. He handed it politely to the receptionist and walked away after a quick handshake. Aiden looked down at his dress pants and tennis shoes, his polo shirt and his quickly brushed hair and the essay in his hand which was not held in a sleek black folder. He pushed doubt from his mind by telling himself it was the essay that counted not the person holding it. He walked over to the receptionist and asked where he should turn in the essay. Finally, after all his work he had turned in an essay he knew was amazing. He left the firm with butterflies in his stomach and assurance in his mind.

A week passed with no information. Then it happened, there on the school door was the results of the essay competition. Aiden walked up to it confidently at the same time that Elias did. Aiden read the name. Elias smiled.

“But how?” Aiden said involuntarily. He had worked so hard, he knew he had written the better essay. There was no doubt in his mind.
Elias turned to him and simply said, “The sun will shine on those who stand before it shines on those who kneel before them.” then turned and walked away. Aiden was left there as Elias, the one who made an extra effort to impress the firm, received the glory. Elias stood and now Aiden was left on his knees waiting for his turn to have the sun. And it was true glory comes to those who make the greater effort to be made first before it comes to those who do less than them.