View Full Version : The Scarlet Letter & The Crucible!

11-07-2007, 10:30 PM
I really need help with this English assignment, i have to right and essay about how the idea of intolerance and reputation are in both The Crucible and in The Scarlet Letter and support it evidence from the book. if anyone has the slightest idea about what im talking about, can you please help me? Thank you so very much if you do!

11-18-2007, 09:39 PM
See my other post on the book's intro and the reference to Anne Hutchinson who was a victim of religious intolerance. As for Miller his book was based on the political intolerance of McCarthyism.

Any society that mixes religion and political power risks violence and instability. If you read Gibbons's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire you will learn that he attributed the final blow to that empire when it adopted Christianity as its official religion. This is one of the principle reasons why our Founding Fathers demanded disestablishment or what is commonly called separation of church and state.

For those who feel that our Founders did not demand disestablishment, see Madison's Memorial and Remonstrances which was published in 1785 which was BEFORE the Constitution was enacted:
