View Full Version : Essay Panic!!!!!!

09-19-2007, 02:52 PM
Hi I really need help on my english essay, would appreciate it if someone could lend a hand? This is the title:
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde can be read as either a classic mystery story or as an early example of horror fiction. Through a close examination of Robert Louis Stevenson's use of language, form and structure, argue which genre you think best defines this piece of pre-1914 fiction.
Please help, I have chosen to do Horror as my genre but have completley lost the plot with this essay!! :confused: Thanks.

10-06-2007, 06:35 PM
Hmm, based on the contemporary case of Louis V, the law passed making homosexuality a crime, Stevensons circle of bohemian friends and treatment at the hands of his wife and the fact it was sold as a "shilling shocker", I suppose given the question I'd have to learn towards the horror side of things. But "early" as in what?