View Full Version : Edith Wharton-Henry James Connections

Don McCasland
07-31-2007, 01:52 PM
Edith Wharton was such a fan of "The Master," and Henry James displayed such a similar admiration for her in return that there must be affinities, analogies, or similarities of expression that connect the two authors in their respective ouvres. Would anyone care to elaborate on this theme with specific instances taken from their works?

07-31-2007, 03:37 PM
I lack the time to really go into this much, but I would like to mention that the "admiration" was...temporary, in a way, on Wharton's part; as I understand it, she did not like the direction James was going with his work, and particularly disliked his late style. I've got Hermione Lee's biography sitting here, and Wharton's own A Backward Glance, both of which mention James quite a bit I think, so perhaps I'll look through them later...