View Full Version : Hubris

Lily Adams
06-22-2007, 07:50 PM
Okay, I need some help. I need to find five examples of hubris in The Odyssey and explain them, etc. for my summer reading assignment. I've already listed three, but the third one I really can't explain. (Prettty obvious I got that one from the internet. :blush: ) The first two are the suitors and Odysseus himself, (obvious) and I've explained those. ^^ But the third one is Posiden. I need help with that. My dad and I were thinking the cyclops, but I dunno.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

06-22-2007, 08:15 PM
When I read your post--the cyclops fits very well as Odysseus sets up his escape plan with the No-man joke. Hubris to me is bravery in the face of impossible odds and walking away standing tall. I honestly can't remmeber the Poseidon incident. Hope this helps at least with Polythemus.

Lily Adams
06-23-2007, 12:13 AM
Hubris is excessive pride or arrogance. :) Thanks, though!

Well, I got the Polythemus thing because he was shouting out, "Hey, dude, I'm over here, ya idiot!" when they were sailing away and he totally paid for it. And then he shouted out his real name. That wasn't too smart. Very hubristic. I think he was trying to be Mr. Macho Man You-Can't-Beat-Me-Nyah-Nyah-Nyah. :p

I was thinking about adding in Agamemnon for an example, but doesn't he display hubris more The Illiad?

(Btw, I saw "Teenage Caveman". I cracked up when Robert Vaughn ran into that tree. :lol: About Robert Vaughn...he's been parodied by a cartoon or something because I've seen his face before, and I've heard his voice!)

Lily Adams
06-29-2007, 01:29 PM
Okay, I got it all fixed. :)

06-30-2007, 12:12 AM
N-o-o-o---now I have reread a bunch of books and reinterpret characters now that I know what hubris really is. Context one man's view another's argus mirror. Thanks.;)

07-16-2007, 12:47 PM
Guys i really need help on the Odyssey. What has happened to the men who helped Odysseus sack Troy????? Can anybody help me please.

08-28-2007, 11:53 AM
I also am having trouble with that question. What i do know from reading Book I of the odyssey is that some of the men with odyssey were eaten by
Polyphemus,Cyclops son of Poseidon who was blinded by Odysseus.

The other men were turned into pigs by Circe.
Witch-like woman who at first turns Odysseus' men into pigs but is impressed when she cannot affect Odysseus. She lusts after him and he stays with her for a year:)

But i stil have some doubtes of this because ther might be another answer;)

see you later aligater:lol:

Charles Darnay
08-28-2007, 11:59 AM
I also am having trouble with that question. What i do know from reading Book I of the odyssey is that some of the men with odyssey were eaten by
Polyphemus,Cyclops son of Poseidon who was blinded by Odysseus.

The other men were turned into pigs by Circe.
Witch-like woman who at first turns Odysseus' men into pigs but is impressed when she cannot affect Odysseus. She lusts after him and he stays with her for a year:)

But i stil have some doubtes of this because ther might be another answer;)

see you later aligater:lol:

You're right about those points.

Others were killed by the lastragonians(sp), still others died at the palace of Helos from the tainted meats and the last survivors were wiped out in Poseiden's storm.

11-04-2007, 03:15 PM
Here is what fully happened to Odysseus' men:

Book 9
Some were lost on the Island of the Cicones
At the land of the lotus-eaters some ate the lotus and did not wish to return home, but they were forced back onto the ships and made to fast until they returned to their normal state.
Lost a few at land of Cyclopes after Polyphemus ate them

Book 10
At land of the Laestrygonians men were eaten by cannibals, only Odysseus' ship survives
Circe turns men into pigs, but Odysseus manages to persuade Cice to return them to their normal state.
One man (Elpenor) falls off Circe's roof and dies

Book 12
Scylla eats 6 men
All the rest of them men are killed in a storm after eating Hyperion's (sun-god) cattle.

11-28-2007, 12:32 AM
If your still looking for examples of Hubris don't forget to mention the suitors, they are without a doubt the most hubristic characters in the entire epic.