View Full Version : Nativity on the Golgotha

05-17-2007, 05:00 PM
Here is a small (517 words) excerpt from a short story I wrote when I was 17. I invented the pseudonym Corban Creed for it. I have shared it with few others until now. I no longer have it on disk but only on hard copy (paper) so I have to recopy it. In doing so I cannot help but revise a little as I may find a better way to convey the story or as I find necessary to comply with forum rules (language). For example I have finally given the main character a name and removed what I feel to be platitudinal and outdated references to popular culture. My greatest complaint with this story upon rereading it is that it may be difficult for others who don't see the story in their own heads to figure out what is going on. So without making further excuses for this tripe :D ...

Nativity on the Golgotha

Corban Creed

The merciless battering of the soul the youth had taken, at least in this writer’s opinion, was ample reason for his current state of mind. Throughout every waking moment of his life, he had been endlessly tormented by the fiend he now so easily dispatched, whose name was Shawn. He was but one of many. He was not particularly loathsome over any of the others, but it was upon him the burden of years of bedevilment exploded. The youth was their thrall, a medium for self-ascent. Now through this same medium all the fury of Hell erupted, focused into one square inch. That square inch lay between the youth’s knuckles and struck Shawn’s jaw with force enough to shatter all bones involved between them.

His current tormentor’s name had once been something well known in the valley where they lived. It now seemed the dying boy would enjoy the immortality of fame for reasons other than his father’s name. He would now pay the price for his lack of passion. Just as the final insult passed his lips, some vital link to the complacent part of the youth’s soul disintegrated, leaving the aforementioned wrath of fiery Hell to flow freely.

Aaron clutched his broken hand with the other. Blood trickled from between the fingers of his good hand and fell to the floor below. Though reality demanded it, one boy’s blood refused to mingle with the other. Shawn’s body lay in a heap under the dented lockers. His fellows stood there like stone with their mouths agape. That vital link in their own minds would simply not accept what had just happened as reality for some time. It was true though. Their population had just been reduced by one before their very eyes.

Dizzy from the unhealthy surge of adrenaline and the loss of blood through his ruined hand, he staggered through a part in the crowd. This part, found impossible to gain by any mere spectator in the ordeal, occurred quickly and naturally from sheer terror of the young man’s wake. Matt was last to move. Matt had always been something of a religious counsel for other students willing to talk to him. Aaron was among those who accepted his guidance on occasion. Through the haze of turmoil, Aaron saw him standing in his way, his ever-present Bible dropped absently to the floor in shock. He was wearing one of those shirts with tall red numbers on it that Aaron tried to look up but could never figure out. All was a blur as he stumbled forward so he didn’t see the word above it but the number stood out like lightning: 5:44.

He managed to walk to the west exit whereupon sight of the bright, cloudless sky, he felt a dizziness so acute he felt to empty his belly on the sidewalk. Instead, another vital link failed him now, the one that kept him upright and awake. He did not feel himself hit the concrete or any other sensation but endless falling for what seemed a thousand years.

End of excerpt

Please forgive the form as my paragraph indentions don't seem to be translating proplerly. Please let me know if you would like to see more and especially if you get some of the references I left in. (I.E. Matt's shirt)

05-17-2007, 06:38 PM
I liked it a lot, ESPECIALLY the "Matt 5:44" piece you put in there. Makes me think, so I assume it would make others too. I would love to read more!

05-19-2007, 09:41 PM
Part Two

The girl felt, in her heart, the lamentation the boy’s soul had made. It burned with the deepest sadness she would ever feel. A tear fell and a short choke emitted. The tear joined with Aaron’s blood and the drops disappeared into the floor. Tears and blood, Terrible sadness and intense rage were a dangerous combination to say the least. The girl ran. She shoved through the crowd and ran westward.

In truth this was not an isolated occurrence. The girl’s empathy was only part of the link between the two. This link was formed nearly a year ago when Aaron looked deep into her brown eyes and saw an abyss of emotion that surpassed even his own. A powerful connection was created in him, and the warm, inky black, pulsating incubus in his heart matured instantly and revealed itself in his gaze. A blink and an awkward smile later both turned away. Neither found the courage to profess to the other until now. Now for the sake of what may have been and may still be, she ran.

When the crowd of students, faculty, media and police had finally dispersed two unwholesome looking students clad in black stood behind to perform a quick conjuration they read about in a small green book. For they had noticed where none but the girl had, the union of the two strong emotions and took advantage of the opportunity only dreamt about by others in their circle of faith.

Chad and Anthony rose from their kneeling position after chanting an arcane hex, and smearing the blood into the shape of what most might incorrectly dub a pentagram, but is more accurately called a baphomet. The blood slowly changed color from its deep crimson to a mordant black and began to boil. The fluid sizzled and gurgled as it burned through the floor.

“It is done,” pointed out Anthony.

“Yes, I think that--” Chad began but he was cut short. A low growl uttered with such rich resonation that the boys could feel in their shoes. The boys looked at each other nervously.

“Do you think…” Anthony suggested, beginning to back away.

“Maybe we should…” intimated Chad, following.

“Yeah. Lets just--”
If Anthony could find the words, Chad couldn’t have heard them anyway. A blast knocked the boys prostrate and sent a shockwave through the school, shattering the doors of the west entrance. Deafened and otherwise senseless from the blow the young sophists did not see what happened next as they scrabbled away to the relative safety of first period Art.

Mr. Berus was eight hours from retirement. He sat at his desk propping his head up with his left head, his index finger extended along his cheek reading a moldy copy of Reference Quarterly. His eyebrow raised as something far more interesting was nestled within the magazine.

“Mmm hmmm,” he murmured, flipping the page. This is when a low growl came from the hallway and began to rattle the windows in their panes. Mr. Berus’ eyes peered over the book and scanned the room and then glanced over to the windows. He found nothing unusual except for the majority of the Study Hall group doing the same thing, trying to discern the noise’s source until it stopped. His eyes paused for a trice upon the vulpecular form of Michelle who was engrossed in her own copy of Allure. He glanced back down to his pictorial and then back up again. Both eyebrows raised this time. Mr. Berus’ heart began to beat more forcefully as he contemplated the sights, tastes and especially textures concealed within that young woman’s blouse. Then the shockwave hit.

Screams and gasps were heard throughout the room as a fissure split the blackboard from top to bottom. “It must be an earthquake,” said one nameless boy. “New Madrid,” insisted another. “Where’s Mr. Berus?” intoned Michelle. In truth he was nowhere to be seen. Students who had burst into the halls caught the last glimpse any of them ever would as he stumped out the door carelessly stepping over the broken glass and deciding to start retirement early.