View Full Version : What is your opinion?

04-13-2004, 08:04 PM
Here are two quotations from a famous author. Who do you think said them, and what do you think about them?

"Fiction is the truth inside the lie. "

"Each life makes its own imitation of immortality"

04-13-2004, 08:07 PM
Well, seems that Stephen King said these things ...
It's all about the facades that people project, everything they think you want to know about them.
Being afraid to reveal the truth, we all want to be remembered for something special ...

04-13-2004, 10:22 PM
You're brilliant Den.

12-16-2009, 05:40 AM
Right you are Den! Congratulations!:)

12-16-2009, 07:00 AM
These two adages are compact with ideas and can be interpreted differently depending upon your zones of thoughts. Fiction is deemed a lie, but the truth is the truth inside is facetiously untrue, woven a nothing out of something, a apparition, not an object. We try to objectify things by fictionalizing it. Fictional truth is nothing but fiction. This is really an inconceivable idea commonly, but it electrifies our imaginative faculty in point of fact. I like the topic that fuels our imaginative powers. I try to interpret things for the love of interpretation but not claiming that what I interpret will be essentially true. Of course there are different interpretations and interpretations of interpretations endlessly to the extent that the original verity gets lost in the process.

The second maxim is also very palatable to me. Life makes an imitation of immortality. Life is immortal and it kind of expresses the immortality of it. That life is immortal is a truth that has not been revealed to we mortals. Mortals considering corporeal decompositions but actually thru death we are simply getting transformed from one state to another but if we look at this deeply we always existed and will exist after this life too

12-16-2009, 01:15 PM
congratualation DEN AND YOU LARA

thank you our GREAT POET