View Full Version : Story of King Solomon Ethics #3

04-16-2007, 12:00 PM
Creative short story # 8 for ILP

Hypothetical case of absolute arbitrary power of the lawgiver/ King Solomon as the supreme court, Sovereign, love by every citizen, judges , and guardians

Solomon to himself: I know these two people are guilty but I shall test them both.
Solomon: Since the case is difficult to judge, and my judges and guardians are having difficulty what to do with you both, then I shall not judge as well, you both are free to go.

One person leaves, laughing and dancing at the guardians, the people, and the judges; while the people in the courthouse was destruct, while the other criminal/ person stays with his head staring at the ground not looking at the judge, cries and tears
Solomon: Why do you not go.
Criminal 1: Because I am guilty, condemn me.
Solomon: Alright, then I shall condemn you, take him away.

While criminal 1, left.
The other came back with guardians arresting him
Criminal 2: You say you let me go. Why did the guardians arrested me in the entrance.
Solomon: Because you are guilty, and you think you should not deserve any punishment. Because you did this, I condemn you to death.
Criminal 2 is taken away to be condemned.

Solomon : Being back the other one.
Criminal 1: I thought you are going to condemn me , why are you bringing me back here .
Solomon: Because you acknowledge your crime, and you want to be condemn, I shall pardon you. Let everyone here in the courthouse knows, and the guardians and the judges, justice has been served. There will be no retribution, show him your love, and you ( criminal 1) show your love to them, and the victims of the family.
Exits King Solomon

Criminal 1: Bows down to King Solomon and left the building.