View Full Version : essay advice. please...

03-08-2007, 07:32 PM
hey guys its me again i got the topic am examining the role of women in the play and was wondering if any one wanted to drop me some pointers, i wouldn't turn them down. thanks.:)

05-11-2007, 05:56 AM
Hello litwiz.

The Role of are meant to be portrayed as silent, gentle, passive and submisive and all the main female character fit this except for Beatrice.

She adopts a more male role, for example when demanding the death of the Claudio.

The play promotes sexual equality and female liberation.

Hero fits the conventinal role of women for the play, but Beatrice infuences her when urging Hero to defy her father.

Beatrice's role within the actual play is to provide the comedy aspect with her witty banter with Benedict.

Women also provide tragical elements within the play. :idea:

They provide love interest within the play.

They also provide redemption within the play, its through the women that men are redeemed. :blush:

Hope it helped dude.
