View Full Version : Essay question on Pride and Prejudice

kareen Ries
01-14-2007, 03:10 PM
Hello to all of you out there studying hard. I'm trying to write an essay on the following subject: "Voices of wisdom in Pride and Prejudice". I wonder if any of you have got any ideas? I haven't been able to organise my ideas into something which would flow naturally and logically.
Ideas and help would be welcome, Thanks.

01-30-2007, 03:01 PM
Voices of wisdom would be wise things that people say, right?
Then you could categorize them by who said them.
Or, if you find your collection of truisms fit under 3 or more different topics, you could categorize them by topic.

03-18-2007, 02:39 PM
It could also be interesting to think first about all the wise things that were said in the novel, and then who said them. Some characteristically unwise characters sometimes say things that are actually wise, and vice versa.

03-18-2007, 02:56 PM
You could write your whole essay just on the opening lines! Is that the voice of wisdom? It sounds like gossip doesn't it? What Mrs Bennett would say and yet it claims to be a 'truth universally acknowledged' and the novel does live up to its famous opening lines, though very ironically. I think with a novel like 'Pride and Prejudice' which seems to be full of pseudo-wisdom you have to pick out the ironies first, is there any character who is truly wise? Doesnt PandP mock knowledge and wisdom, at least provincial wisdom and knowledge?

Hope that hels even vaguely.