View Full Version : Tragic Outcome of King Lear?

12-12-2006, 07:54 PM
Hello, I have a final paper to write in my Shakespeare class and I'm choosing one of the topics I am most interested in. I'm not sure of the correct answer though. The question is: "Who is more responsible for the tragic outcome of Lear: Lear and Cordelia, or Goneril and Regan?"

I know King Lear eventually dies because he's so upset over Cordelia's death, but Goneril and Regan drive him crazy the entire time as well.

If someone could help me with some main points to prove one way or another I'd be very appreciative.

Thank you!

12-12-2006, 08:16 PM
I think Lear and Cordelia's relationship is more responsible for the outcome because he can't handle Cordelia telling him the truth. It drove him crazy thinking that she didn't love him and then in the end when the sisters turn against him it was because he was in there way because originally Lear was going to live with Cordelia in her part of the land.

12-12-2006, 09:49 PM
It has been a little while since I last read Lear, my favorite work of WS,but my hunch is that it is a bit of a trick question.
Reading good literature is not the same as studying math or chemistry. In math 2+2=4 and so forth. But such certainties are rarely found in the classics.

'Good' literature is good because of its extraordinary complexity, its depth, its layer upon layer of meaning and the paradoxes, ironies and flat out contradictions that one can discover.

So if I were in your shoes I would ask myself what you feel is the "right" answer is then see if there is textual support for your feeling. Breaking down cause and effect when it is a question of human behavior and motivation is quite messy. But that is the fun of it as well.