View Full Version : Car symbolism

12-12-2006, 10:22 AM
Do the cars in the novel have a deeper meaning or does it just exemplify the fact that the rich do not care about others so long as they have what they want?

01-14-2007, 01:35 PM
Car are typically a symbol of power, and this is closely tied into wealth. Gatsby, The Buchanan's and even Nick have a car, whereas if you compare this to the Wilson's' they desperately try to make a life servicing their cars, and the only one they own in in a dilapidated state of repairs in the garage.

The cars in the novel illustrate how power is misused. When Nick calls Jordan 'a careless driver' it has a double meaning, the literal, and the more metaphorical that she misuses her power. This is further linked into the fact Jordan tried to cheat in the golf match (misused her talent) and left the car in the rain.

Gatsby had the power to take Daisy and change her life, but as soon as Daisy becomes responsible for her future she is irresponsible. Daisy cannot fully wield the power responsibley - after all she gave absoluely no consideration towards her child. There's a lot more to be seen and parallels to be drawn as well.

01-14-2007, 02:55 PM
The cars in the novel illustrate how power is misused. When Nick calls Jordan 'a careless driver' it has a double meaning, the literal, and the more metaphorical that she misuses her power. This is further linked into the fact Jordan tried to cheat in the golf match (misused her talent) and left the car in the rain.

Thats a very powerful observation Kymzii. Nice.

01-16-2007, 02:14 AM
As well, Gatsby's car reinforces the ostentatious theme of Gatsby's life - eveything about him - his imitation French chateau mansion, his pink suits and silver ties and his flashy car - all reinforce his "over-the-top-hey-I'm-a-really-rich-guy persona (the one that's supposed to impress Daisy).

01-31-2007, 12:01 AM
This may help you understand this a little better. It's a profile on Jordan, but it explains it a little later.
