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12-11-2006, 01:36 AM
I would just like to say that i think that Christmas Carol is a great book and story for all ages. I love all the symbolism Dickens uses.
(e.g. - I love how Dickens describes how the the clock surrounded by the fog in the church is starring down at him the clock symbolizing the time he has left and the church symbolizing judgement of whether he ends up like Marley or is permitted into heaven.)

Also I love the ghost of Christmas Present. One of my favorite lines is when Scrooge asks the spirit to spare Tiny Tim and he replies quoting Scrooge "If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population" (77) (Stave 3). Also the quote on page 77 about the insect is a great quote.

Also if whoever was wondering what a stave was still doesnt know, it the way music or poetry is divided (into 5). (A Christmas Carol