View Full Version : I want your say.

John Campbell
06-20-2006, 03:16 AM
Do you think that in Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare portrays a world wholly defined by opposition wherein even the purest of loves not only is unable to overcome opposition but in actuality defies.

Personally I do not believe this is so because if Romeo and Juliet's deep passionate love eventually ended this family feud of the Montagues and Capulets and how can we say that purest of loves cannot overcome opposition when the evidences are clear?

Sorry if I may seem foolish or silly but my English teacher wants me to write an essay on a topic that I don't believe in so I really need some help. Plus the fact that I am still very young and I have not seen the world as much as others in order to define love for myself.

Please, if you have any opinions that support the original statement or ones that defies it, post them.


06-20-2006, 07:24 AM
Personally I do not believe this is so because if Romeo and Juliet's deep passionate love eventually ended this family feud of the Montagues and Capulets and how can we say that purest of loves cannot overcome opposition when the evidences are clear?

Sorry if I may seem foolish or silly but my English teacher wants me to write an essay on a topic that I don't believe in so I really need some help.

Now that would be a good point for your essay! As I understand it, your teacher does not want you to necessarily agree with the statement given above. Your thoughts and ideas about the play are wanted!
You need to "deconstruct" the statement into several pieces of information and then form your personal conclusion.
For example:
1st piece: "Do you think that in Romeo and Juliet, S. portrays a world wholly defined by opposition..."
> How come your teacher thinks the world is wholly defined by opposition ? Are there any examples you could find (the most obvious, of course, as you already mentioned, the feud of the two families, but do you find others, maybe smaller ones?) Take the text into your hands! Scan the pages for more opposites than these you can think of now!
2nd piece: "...wherein the purest of loves..."
> How come one could call their love a pure one? What would you say? Think of their characters and what facts would make their love pure and which wouldn't! If possible, give evidence stated in the text to explain and substantiate how you came to your opinion!
3rd piece: "...is unable to overcome opposition..."
> Now what does that mean to you? Does a love have to survive to overcome opposition or, as you said, would a sacrifice also "do the job"? How might the families live on after their death? What has changed actually?
4th piece: "...in acutality defies".
> Your turn!

...And last but not least, your conclusion: Summarise your results from above, trying not to use the same words. Give your opinion directly on the given statement.
Good luck!

07-21-2006, 05:42 PM
Do you think that in Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare portrays a world wholly defined by opposition wherein even the purest of loves not only is unable to overcome opposition but in actuality defies.
First- be very cautious (though you probably turned it in by now). Teachers don't like being told their wrong, so unless it's a "argue why or why not", you should ask if it's OK to argue why it isn't.

Hard to say. On the one hand- they both died. On the other hand, it did end the feud.
With a funeral.
And Juliet was, what, 12? I doubt they had the "purest of love" so much as an infatuation heightened by the excitement that they could defy their parents in such a way. Kids will be kids, after all.
Also- Romeo was in love with Rosaline right up until he saw Juliet. And he would've moved on if she hadn't returned the affections.

So I'd say I disagree with it. I wouldn't call it a "world defined by opposition" or theirs a "purest of loves".

08-23-2006, 02:04 AM
hi guys.....i'm also doing an essay at the moment, unfortunately i have no idea what to write.
my topic is: Friar lawrence is the main person responsible for Romeo and Juliets deaths.
discuss in 300 words...
please help all you can..we have it due not tomorrow but the next day!
any ideas?

08-23-2006, 08:25 AM
I read that in 7th grade!

08-23-2006, 11:56 AM
Think about Friar Lawrence's actions in the play, one by one. The conclusion should become clear.

10-24-2006, 10:18 PM
ok my teacher has me writing and essay on whether romeo and juliet are in love. What are your feeling an this fact do you think they are in love