View Full Version : Peter Pan the musical

06-19-2006, 06:41 PM
Hi everyone.

Just wondering if anyone has seen the musical... The two I am comparing are the British version and the US Broadway Version with Cathy Rigby?
Many Thanks

Dr. Pan
06-22-2006, 04:55 PM
I have seen Cathy Rigby perform Peter Pan. I'm not sure which "British version" you are referring to. There is a newer musical, that I haven't seen, I don't know where it is playing. Did you have a question about the productions? Be glad to help if I can.
Dr. Pan

06-22-2006, 05:27 PM
I adore Peter Pan. My ballet school jsut did it as a ballet and I have read the book at last three times (coming from a girl who doesn't generally reread things). It's so delightful!

Cathy Rigby is my favorite version of the musical. It's perfect to me.

Mary Martin is alright....not great though. Those are the only two I have seen, however.