View Full Version : Lin Carter

01-17-2002, 06:16 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew the names of all the books in the Sun Star Kelix novels, I read "The Wizard of Zao" and (I think on the discreption) that there were more that were all on different plannets of the Sun Star.
PLease help, thank's.

05-24-2007, 02:49 AM
The Chronicles of Kylix
The Quest of Kadji (1971)
"The Higher Heresies of Oolimar" (1973)
"The Curious Custom of the Turjan Seraad" (1976)
The Wizard of Zao (1978)
Kellory the Warlock (1984)

You know, all these and other series by Lin Carter are listed on Wikepedia- it would be a good idea to check there first! Same goes for most other authors.:D