View Full Version : Melancholic Attitude of Some People Toward Love

06-06-2006, 08:15 AM
The experience of the term “love” has long been known as an ineffable and absolutely elated one, which whoever you are most of the times, you can neither tell its purpose nor it’s beginning.

It severely and truly happened. To start loving someone is based on no any concrete reason, wish, or desire, but it ineluctably occur. It’s a conspicuous and inevitable ostentatious game we used to find ourselves playing that is described by scholars like William Shakespeare as: the most lovable game, which playing never run smooth.

Love is the most strongest and powerful affectionate feeling one would have, ever had, or ever will have toward somebody, something or an activity, be it adorned or not. But, dishearten enough such idolatry use to be taken in a total disdain as a result of “stand-offish” and “arrogant” attitude-unnatural one of some heads among us. What a demoralizing?

As in my little perspective. If my door is knocked in such situation, I definitely will open and let it ajar, not completely open to get enough chance of discovering it’s head and tail. But, this is just my view on this very matter, which won’t likely be akin to yours, but how do you think or look at it? Is it from right or left angle?

Though still, it’s totally inane to turn down someone’s offer of love my dear good people. Do think, a reflective one, it can lead to the destruction of his/her ego. Think of how forlorn, helpless and hopeless you are going to left him/her. Can’t you be a little bit friendly if not too open to him/her. Pack aside your being dated, courted or even betrothed to someone else. Remember if you were him/her.[/FONT]

06-06-2006, 05:08 PM
I am not sure what you are trying to say here, Muhsin.

Though still, it’s totally inane to turn down someone’s offer of love my dear good people. Do think, a reflective one, it can lead to the destruction of his/her ego. Think of how forlorn, helpless and hopeless you are going to left him/her. Can’t you be a little bit friendly if not too open to him/her. Pack aside your being dated, courted or even betrothed to someone else. Remember if you were him/her.

I once had the experience of someone professing love for me, but I was married at that time. (this was about 10 years ago) I appreciated and was flattered by their feelings, but there was no way I would have betrayed my marriage vows, no matter how much I hated to hurt that individual's feelings.

Thus, I cannot agree with your statement: "it's totally inane to turn down someone's offer of love". Of course we should try to have compassion for other people's feelings, but love is not an emotion that can be forced, or coerced. If the sentiment is not returned, then that is sad, but thats the way it is.

kilted exile
06-06-2006, 05:46 PM
Ok, what I am about to say will probably sound cruel, and uncaring etc. but you should all be used to that by now.

Muhsin, jeez you really need to just suck it up and get on with it. Just because you are attracted to someone doesnt mean they have to like you as well (if it did I would currently be dating elisa cuthbert). Go out and find someone who does like you as much as you like them.

The reason that love is so special is because it doesnt automatically exist just because you want it to.

06-07-2006, 01:09 AM
Ok, what I am about to say will probably sound cruel, and uncaring etc. but you should all be used to that by now.

Muhsin, jeez you really need to just suck it up and get on with it. Just because you are attracted to someone doesnt mean they have to like you as well (if it did I would currently be dating elisa cuthbert). Go out and find someone who does like you as much as you like them.

The reason that love is so special is because it doesnt automatically exist just because you want it to.

Well, this is a bit harsh, (no offense, kilted exile) but there is truth here, nonetheless. Especially this:

Go out and find someone who does like you as much as you like them.
This is good advice, Muhsin. If someone doesn't care for you the way you deserve to be cared for, then perhaps it is time to move on. Good luck and best wishes.

06-07-2006, 01:13 AM
Go out and find someone who does like you as much as you like them.This, like nearly all good advice, is much more easily said than done.

06-07-2006, 01:22 AM
Well, yes. I think a lot of people have been in the position of having feelings for someone who does not return the affection, and it is hard to move on from someone you care about. That being said, I still go by my earlier statement that love cannot be forced or coerced. I feel sympathy for Muhsin's dilemma but I cannot agree with his position.

Though still, it’s totally inane to turn down someone’s offer of love my dear good people. Do think, a reflective one, it can lead to the destruction of his/her ego. Think of how forlorn, helpless and hopeless you are going to left him/her. Can’t you be a little bit friendly if not too open to him/her. Pack aside your being dated, courted or even betrothed to someone else. Remember if you were him/her.

06-07-2006, 01:58 AM
No, I don't agree either. If I am in love, than I want that person to be with whoever she loves. If it isn't me, tough.

06-07-2006, 02:09 AM
but love is not an emotion that can be forced, or coerced. If the sentiment is not returned, then that is sad, but thats the way it is.

The reason that love is so special is because it doesnt automatically exist just because you want it to.

That being said, I still go by my earlier statement that love cannot be forced or coerced.

If I am in love, than I want that person to be with whoever she loves. If it isn't me, tough.

I agree wholeheartedly on every level of my life.

There has only been one time in my life - rather recently - that I actually had a love and didn't have it work out. This person still feels as though they're in love with me. Sometimes I do feel stupid rejecting that love. We should all be so lucky to have someone who cares so much. Perhaps I will never find someone like that again - who knows? I don't think that it is 'inane', however. I may in 20 years realize that I have been an utter fool, or I may realize I had it figured out. Time tells, I guess.

Mushin, it's good you're thinking and talking about these things!

06-07-2006, 06:46 AM
Cuppajoe 9, I like your sign. Muhsin, I've never been seriously in love, except once and that's why I screwed it up. But I've been lucky in love. If you want to win someone's admiration, confidence and humour is the key. But, it all depends upon your attitude towards life. I, for one, am very skittish. I think there is nothing worth living or dying for in this world and do not assign much value to love or life. True love is good to have but hard to handle.

06-11-2006, 08:39 AM
Well, I don't actually know the words I should use to appreciate your helpfulness, kindness, hints, supportive and corrective statement toward fishing me out from the uncharted water I was entangled in.

Sheer kudos to all that you have so far said. And now, it's left to me to either accept or decline.
